New housing sales in Spain will remain stable, but second-hand housing will suffer in 2024, according to the experts — idealista/news

The gap between demand and supply is a key factor that marked the real estate market in Spain during 2023. This is likely to continue in these first months of the year, just as there is a difference between new and used housing. According to the experts consulted, new housing transactions will remain stable at the start of the year but used housing will be reduced due to inflation, interest rates and the current war conflicts, creating investment insecurity for buyers.

New home sales could maintain a positive trajectory in the first quarter of 2024, supported by sustained demand and

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Elderly couple told they had to sell home to house asylum seekers

Councils are compulsorily purchasing empty properties to meet a surge in the number of asylum seekers being granted leave to remain in the UK.

Council chiefs have complained they are not being given enough time to find alternative accommodation for successful asylum seekers because of the Home Office’s faster decision-making to clear huge backlogs of cases.

The policy has been highlighted by the light of an elderly couple who were told they had to give up their home to asylum seekers because of a shortage of suitable accommodation.

Jose and Ted Saunders said they were “shocked” to be told by

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